
Prosperous Planet’s resources provide the business world with our perspective on the latest discoveries and frameworks at the frontiers of sustainability, business, and human psychology. We bridge this knowledge to companies through action points and new opportunities and outlooks.

Business beyond break-even sustainability

March 11, 2020

Synopsis: It’s here, part two of Elin Enfors-Kautsky’s white paper on why the Anthropocene – the geological era of humankind, is a game-changer for all businesses. To succeed as a company in the Anthropocene, sustainability needs to be at the heart of all business development. But we need to think differently around sustainability than what […]

The Anthropocene – A Game Changer For All Businesses

February 19, 2020

Prosperous Planet Insights: Food System Transformations, Part 1 Synopsis: We used to live in a small world on a big planet. But recently things have changed. In just two generations this has become a big world on a small planet. We now live in the Anthropocene – the geological era of humankind. This is a […]

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