The Anthropocene – a game changer for all business

We used to be a small world on a big planet, but recently things have changed. In just two generations, we have gone from being a small world on a big planet to becoming a big world on a small planet. We now live in the Anthropocene – the geological era of humankind. This is a game changer for all businesses.

With change and new challenges, there is not only risk but opportunity. For the frontrunners who realise that the Anthropocene is here to stay and that sustainability is now a prerequisite for success, new possibilities to gain competitive advantage are opening up.

The New Context

Our services

We help our clients identify where the business opportunities beyond ”break-even sustainability” lies.

Based on the Delta model, we provide a range of services in trend analysis, strategy, and organizational change management, guiding our clients on an innovation journey where they figure out how to contribute to solving the global grand challenges that humanity faces today, in ways that can drive their revenue.

Our services

What we want to achieve

The idea for Prosperous Planet was born in 2018. The driving force was dual: a strong belief that the business sector, under the right conditions, will be able to play a pivotal role in the quest for global sustainability and a conviction about the huge untapped potential for sustainable business development in the Anthropocene.

At Prosperous Planet we see it as our mission to facilitate transformative journeys for clients, helping them to discover how to develop their companies in a way that has a truly positive impact, on people and the planet. Knowing that deep and lasting change rarely happens in response to external recommendations but must come from within, we see our role as that of a smart travel companion, who can provide new science-based perspectives and a state of the art innovations process, for companies who are about to embark on their own Anthropocene journeys.

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