PBX: Nya möjligheter för conveniencebranschen
/Som konsument i Antropocen, där det vi konsumerar är en del av ett globalt produktions- och distributionssystem, blir det allt svårare att veta om de beslut vi fattar verkligen är hållbara. I marknadsföring formuleras förenklade budskap om miljönytta och en klimatpositiv framtid, men ofta tangerar dessa budskap tyvärr till greenwashing. Att ta reda på om […]
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The future of business during the holiday season
/We are living in a time of crisis. As cascading effects of the climate emergency begin to impact societies and economies around the world at an ever quicker and more intense pace, it is becoming increasingly clear that there are urgent challenges meeting us at every corner. Concurrently, there are just as many opportunities to […]
Read moreBuilding organizational capacity for sustainable business transformation
/The focus of the third edition of Prosperous Planet’s Insight series is our unique approach to organizational capacity building and change processes. For companies looking to navigate towards success in the Anthropocene, understanding the significance of such processes is key to also achieving sustainable economic aims. Prosperous Planet is defined by our ambition to enable […]
Read moreAntibiotic resistance in the Anthropocene
/This week is World Antimicrobial Awareness Week (WAAW 2020). We, therefore, organized the webinar “Antibiotic Resistance in the Anthropocene: solutions to a multi-faceted problem in a rapidly changing world” together with Axfoundation. The webinar gathered leading exerts within healthcare, veterinary medicine, systems ecology, and innovation as well as representatives from both the business and the policy […]
Read moreTaking a holistic approach to the Anthropocene challenge
/We had a passionate conversation at the Prosperous Planet office today as we were struck with how many voices there are out there listing their top three or five or ten action points to target the climate crisis, the biodiversity crisis, the inequality crisis, and so on. The questions we discussed were – who do […]
Read moreThe right mindset for business development in the Anthropocene
/In Prosperous Planet’s first white paper we talked about the Anthropocene, concluding that running a successful business will, from now on, require a fundamentally new set of strategies because of the globalized, hyper-connected, and rapidly changing reality of the world today. In our second white paper, we elaborated why these strategies must focus on sustainability, but in an entirely […]
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