The Delta model

Business transformation in the Anthropocene

The Delta model consists of a theoretical framework and an innovation process designed to enable transformations towards a prosperous business future beyond break-even sustainability.

The Delta model is unique in that it draws on and synthesizes the latest insights from the sustainability science frontier, merged with cutting edge thinking on innovation in business development, and the most current theories on organizational change management.

Integrating a range of existing tools that previously have been used separately (in fields such as future searches, innovation management, and leadership coaching) into a clear and coherent process design, the Delta model provides forward-looking business leaders with a roadmap for navigating towards success in the Anthropocene.

The framework

The work that we do is underpinned by three core perspectives:

Systems thinking is a necessary approach to deal with the complexity of the Anthropocene

Human needs must be fulfilled to enable collaboration

Experiential co-learning is the only efficient approach to navigate change in contexts characterized by high levels of uncertainty

Together, this makes for a unique and powerful entry-point to business transformation in the Anthropocene.

The innovation process

The Delta model is operationalized through a collaborative process in 10 progressive steps:

1) Macro-trend analysis

2) World view recalibration

3) Visioning for a prosperous future

4) Building organizational capacity for the change journey

5) Systems analysis of risks and opportunities in the Anthropocene

6) Innovation to move beyond break-even

7) Future scenarios and option space

8) Setting the new strategy

9) Piloting

10) Monitoring and evaluation that enable deep learning

How the Delta model will contribute to your success

Companies who work with our model gain three competitive advantages. They get a new perspective on what is going on in the world today, opening their eyes to both the risks and opportunities of the Anthropocene. They also learn how to identify leverage points for systemic change and move beyond break-even sustainability. Finally, and maybe most importantly, companies that use the Delta model gradually become better at solving complex problems. This enhances their performance and ensures continued product-market fit in the ever-changing Anthropocene context.

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